Friday, January 16, 2015

Bock Update. More info on Richard Bockwinkel tab above

January 16, 2015

Cat Scan today...
Neck, throat and lymph nodes CLEAR!

However, three "new" suspicious spots have shown up on my lungs.  They are VERY small...but they were NOT there last July when my last chest scan was done.

The doctors said, sometimes treatments for Head/Neck/Throat Cancers chase the cancer to the lungs.  

SO....antibiotics are prescribed for ten days to be sure it is not just remnants of an infection showing up... (hmm sounds familiar...same medical course as last year...)

In two months, another Cat Scan; March 20th.  The "spots" may be from an infection...but...I have not been "noticeably" sick.

Anyway...if the spots are gone...great!

If the spots are still there, or they are larger, or there are more...then we start considering courses of action ranging from surgery, to chemo, to radiation...and possibly a mixture.  It all depends...

There was no discussion about the severity of "lung cancer" and survival rates...too soon for that "lecture". we go...

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All the best to you and yours...

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