Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Favorite Prayer of Grandma's


COME, Holy Spirit.
Replace the tension within me with a
holy relaxation.
Replace the turbulence within me with
a sacred calm.
Replace the anxiety within me with a
quiet confidence.
Replace the fear within me with a
strong faith.
Replace the bitterness within me with
the sweetness of grace.
Replace the coldness within me with
a loving warmth.
Replace the night within me with
Your day.
Replace the winter within me with
Your spring.
Straighten my crookedness,
Fill my emptiness,
Dull the edge of my pride.
Sharpen the edge of my humility,
Light the fires of my love.
Quench the flames of my lust.
Let me see myself as You see me,
That I may see You as You have
promised me,
And be healed according to Your word.

Fr. Tom Duff. OSM

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