Novena for Paris
(Pray the rosary with these intentions in your mind and heart)
Glorious St. Francis, you have acted as a peacemaker even in the face of extreme physical danger. You sought to end the Crusades by converting the sultan of Egypt through the audacious love of Christ, which knows no end, and knows no fear.
Through your intercession, may this love be brought to those who hate us, those members of the Islamic State who attacked the innocents of Paris in order to inspire terror. Pray for the conversion of these persecutors, that where there is hatred, through your intercession, there will instead be sown love.
Pray for all of those suffering in Paris, that they may be given consolation. Through your intercession to our Lord who suffered for us, where there is injury, let there be pardon; where there is error, truth; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. We pray that the love of Christ Crucified may accomplish this great work, through the power of his glorious Resurrection.
St. Francis, pray for us!
Notre Dame de Paris, pray for us!