Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sarah Rogers - Out of Coma - Out of Insurance!

Dear friends,

I'm forwarding this e-mail as every little bit helps. Sarah Rogers, one of the girls in our local chapter of the Society of Women Engineers got into a bad accident and needs a lot of help. Please say a prayer for her and her family and read the e-mail below for the raffle details.

Thanks to all,

----- Original Message -----
From: Secretary Central Florida SWE
Subject: SWE - Raffle for Sarah Rogers
As you may already know, Sarah Rogers, president of the UCF section of SWE, was in a tragic car accident on May 8, 2007. Her boyfriend was killed and Sarah was in a coma for over a week. She was moved to Indiana for critical care therapy. Her father had to move her out of that facility due to the cost and insurance no longer covering any of her care. Sarah still needs a great deal of medical care. Currently, her father is caring for her at home and taking her to therapy appointments.

Her mother is putting on a raffle to raise money for the medical expenses. Disney has donated a great package to this effort. Tickets are 3/$25 or 1/$10. More detailed information as well as a link to pay through paypal can be found by visiting the following site:

Please do anything you can to help. Sarah is an amazing girl and her family really needs our help.

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